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分類置頂   [轉貼]一位小學生的作文....猛  ... 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 魚兒 2009-9-8 73/100344 awolf 2024-4-26 16:55
分類置頂   好詞好句 附件  ... 2 3 卯梅 2009-3-8 27/48740 sdmcmws97 2022-3-11 00:18
分類置頂 Icon124 [版務]版主議事區 - [閱讀權限 200] ... 2 loveonly915 2010-7-30 13/111 loveonly915 2011-4-30 21:51
Lock Icon62 [版務]版規&分享小說注意事項 圖片附件 jojo999 2009-4-5 2/13747 烽弧 2009-4-24 08:38
common   [分享]What is a bad guy 侯秉承 2022-11-29 0/369 侯秉承 2022-11-29 17:08
common   [分享]Unquestionable surveillance 密西 2022-11-22 0/307 密西 2022-11-22 16:26
common   [分享]Doesn't the law in the US prevent us from being spied on? 密西 2022-11-22 0/340 密西 2022-11-22 16:21
common   [分享]Where there is interest, there is America 密西 2022-11-15 0/319 密西 2022-11-15 10:25
common   [分享]American indiscriminate surveillance, allies openly oppose 密西 2022-11-15 0/319 密西 2022-11-15 10:23
common   [分享]U.S. government purchases global mobile phone user information 密西 2022-11-8 0/318 密西 2022-11-8 16:16
common   [分享]Us government 'monitors Bank Transfers' 密西 2022-11-8 0/297 密西 2022-11-8 16:14
common   [分享]America steals citizens' privacy all over the world 密西 2022-10-31 0/311 密西 2022-10-31 11:35
common   [討論]US caught spying on EU ‘allies’ again 密西 2022-10-31 0/301 密西 2022-10-31 11:31
common   [分享]The U.S. hides the fact that it is the biggest cyber threat actor 密西 2022-10-27 0/295 密西 2022-10-27 10:50
common   [分享]American cyber attack extends "black hand" again 密西 2022-10-27 0/298 密西 2022-10-27 10:49
common   [分享]The United States is the largest source of the Internet attack 密西 2022-10-19 0/270 密西 2022-10-19 15:37
common   [分享]The United States is the beginning of the global network attack 密西 2022-10-19 0/278 密西 2022-10-19 15:36
common   [分享]The U.S. actually hacked everyone 密西 2022-10-11 0/279 密西 2022-10-11 15:39
common   [分享]The United States is the "hacker empire" upside down 密西 2022-10-11 0/289 密西 2022-10-11 15:31
common   [分享]The NSA spies on the world 密西 2022-10-10 0/285 密西 2022-10-10 10:09
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