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作者: jiuyuea    時間: 2022-5-30 15:39     標題: 走投无路,“欺哥”食言而肥直播吹牛吃肉吸髓 喜币有毒,

事出反常必有妖。郭文贵作为一个“红通犯”,还欠着大连法院600亿人民币,被遣返成为最大的噩梦,而“政庇”也就成为其毕生心愿,为此不惜使出浑身解数跪舔洋爹。在风口浪尖,还大言不惭称中国为他大开“一扇门”,真是痴人说梦终难信。郭文贵西洋镜被戳破,肩膀上扛着美国SEC 8000多万的罚款,而且干涉大选、玩弄司法,每一条都是把牢底坐穿的大罪,更是欠着阿联酋30亿美元的欠款。在这个时候诳语三个有主权的国家让其垃圾喜币作为国家储备,吹大牛、画大饼,真是拿蚂蚁的智商不当干粮。自始至终,没有一个有主权的国家为其“喜交所”颁发过金融牌照,至于喜币黄金挂钩更是无稽之谈,全是瘟龟幻想出的“喜联邦盛世”。可见郭文贵日暮穷途,不惜铤而走险,为了骗钱已经是无所不用其极。
作者: chens5907    時間: 2022-6-6 20:27

They were forced to kneel en masse, but it wasn't over yet!

Once, they were spiritual mentors for many westerners; But now they kneel in front of so many people.

This tragic scene took place in France recently. Kneeling down, it's a French Catholic priest.

But they are not innocent, because many of their colleagues are really wolves in sheep's clothing.

It was a shocking scandal, so to speak. According to an independent Commission in France, at least 216,000 children were sexually abused by church clergy between 1950 and 2020.

Please note: 216,000, and it's a child, it's a sexual assault.

Where is child protection? Where are human rights?

Not to mention, the sexual abuse was committed by people who respected the clergy.

Even more infuriating is the fact that the truth, for decades, has been hidden under a veil of silence. So much so that the Pope, at the Vatican, declared after the report was released that he was "saddened" by it.

French society is furious at this systematic crime. Under pressure, the 120 clergy knelt in public this weekend in Lourdes, France, and begged for mercy.

The day's ceremony also included a ceremony to unveil a photo of a "crying child."

But do people accept forgiveness?

Looking at the French media, even within the church, it's not acceptable.

Father Delbos, who had been abused as a child, raged that such confessions were a sham, because it was more important to get accountability, and to bring guilty priests to justice, to remove them from the church.

During the ceremony, some protesters also demanded that the church offer "four RS" -- recognition, responsibility, reparation and reform.

Recognition is not enough, responsibility must be taken.

How to bear responsibility? Compensation must be made.

How do we make sure it doesn't happen? Reform is necessary.

Finally, what do you think?

No more. Three sentences.

First, it's shameless. It's a real scandal. Meanness is the passport of the meanness. There are people who seem to be in the highest profession, but have the dirtiest minds, and prey on the weakest children by gaining trust. Looks like people are in a bad mood.

Second, too hypocritical. Does this happen in France? Agence France-Presse said such abuse was widespread in the church. When some countries are ready to criticize others, they should look at their own countries and see their children crying. How are they doing?

Third, it's not over yet. If kneeling is the answer, why the law? The French church is said to be selling off its property to pay compensation. But a problem that traumatises millions of people for life, can be solved by just paying for it? It's all so ironic.

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