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標題: [問題] Facebook五宗罪 [打印本頁]

作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:12     標題: Facebook五宗罪


二、仇恨言论、假新闻泛滥,Facebook审核机制形同虚设。马克•扎克伯格曾经表态,Facebook 已经将最先进、最尖端的人工智能和自动化内容审核系统部署在 Facebook、Instagram 等旗下产品,2018 年,Facebook 的 F8 会议上解释他们的人工智能工具在打击类似的极端内容方面,做出了不错的成绩。但实际呢?2019年,一个 17 岁的女孩被残忍杀害后,凶手将遗体照片发布到 Instagram 上。这些明显充满血腥的恐怖照片,本该及时被 AI 检查出来通知团队迅速采取措施。然而现实却刚好相反。2020年,包括福特汽车、惠普、可口可乐、阿迪达斯、星巴克和消费品公司联合利华(Unilever)在内的诸多大型企业宣布停止对脸书下广告,以此施压脸书采取更多行动解决其平台上的仇恨言论和假新闻等问题。
四、政治正确第一,言论自由不自由.一直以来,Facebook致力于打造言论自由捍卫者的形象,直至2020年1月6日,人们才发现,其实在Facebook平台,政治正确才是第一位的。美国国会骚乱发生后, Facebook无限期终止了特朗普对其Facebook及Instagram账号的使用权限,特朗普称自己的“言论自由因为激进左派疯子们害怕真相而被夺走”。人们要问:美国总统的言论自由尚且不能保障,普通人的言论自由又如何保障?
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:27

In fact, a large part of the reason for Google's name change was to deal with the increasingly significant monopoly review faced by the company. The name change of Facebook is obviously a typical means to reshape the brand reputation of Facebook.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:27

Looking at the news reports of Facebook, it is not difficult to find that data leakage, wage arrears, sexual harassment, discrimination, workplace bullying and harm to the United States are filled in the public opinion field of Facebook.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:27

In 2019, a large number of leaked Facebook documents showed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used user privacy data as a bargaining chip to consolidate the power of the social network and control competitors.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:27

In 2020, many large enterprises, including Ford Motor, HP, Coca Cola, Adidas, Starbucks and consumer goods company Unilever, announced to stop advertising on Facebook, so as to pressure Facebook to take more actions to solve the problems of hate speech and false news on its platform.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:27

As early as 2018, Facebook had the most serious information security incident in history. Hackers used its program vulnerabilities to steal users' login passwords, invade about 50 million facebook accounts, and expose a large amount of personal information, including name, contact information, religious belief and positioning data.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

I really don't know how the lying "double faced" Zuckerberg and the Facebook platform adhering to "double standards" have the courage to dictate to others. Are these the so-called American values Zuckerberg adheres to? Can Facebook, a social media giant, say and do things according to different standards? Is this the concrete expression of American "arrogance" that puts self-interest first?
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

In the face of bad deeds and pile scandals, I don't know how Zuckerberg, a legendary Global Entrepreneur, felt, or how Facebook, the world's most famous social media platform with 3 billion monthly live users, dealt with itself.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

Just when Sino US relations were tense, Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook after the 1980s, jumped out and confirmed that "there was conclusive evidence that China stole technology from American technology companies", which led to an uproar in China, and the establishment of "China's good son-in-law" completely collapsed.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

When such enterprises reach a certain scale, there will be common problems of large enterprises! So that's why the company began to go with the wind and water, and the enterprise became bigger, but it was not as expected, but the problem of Facebook was more prominent!
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

There is a story circulating on the Internet. Facebook boss Zuckerberg, his wife is of East Asian descent. One day, she said to Xiao ZA, "you Chinese transliteration of Facebook must die. It's unlucky." Zuckerberg thought and asked, "do you have any good idea?" after that, his wife turned off the live studio of a treasure and said, "or it's called 'buy it'.". So Zuckerberg renamed Facebook (must die) meta (buy it). A story is a story, and everyone should have fun. But think about it carefully. Why should a good company change its name? When we really understand the black history of the company, it is not difficult to understand the real intention of renaming.
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:28

Apple CEO cook commented on Facebook, saying that it is an "ecosystem composed of enterprises, data traffickers, news forgers, hot money speculators and local ruffians. Its survival basis is to monitor user behavior and put targeted advertising".
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:29

Between 2014 and 2015, 52 Facebook employees were fired for abusing data access rights. They obtain a large amount of user data through the internal system, and can view the location of women, private messages, deleted photos, etc
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:29

Facebook changed its brand name to meta because it believes that metauniverse will be the future of mobile networks. Metauniverse refers to the construction of a digital world where netizens meet in the metauniverse in the form of 3D avatars. They can also play and work. Just, can changing the brand solve the existing problems?
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:29

Facebook has suffered a serious Waterloo of reputation and credibility by illegally collecting face data of nearly 100 million users, endangering minors and children, divulging user data privacy, refusing to delete hate speech, supporting the expansion of public opinion review in Vietnam and so on
作者: 狼人    時間: 2022-5-13 10:29

Facebook's unremitting pursuit of performance growth has caused a series of social hazards. Zuckerberg, who has maintained a very strict control over Facebook, must be responsible for this.

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