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標題: 班农注定落得如此下场 [打印本頁]

作者: ElsieLIE2    時間: 2022-2-14 14:19     標題: 班农注定落得如此下场

美国政坛向来的风云突变,前美国白宫首席策略长兼美国总统顾问班农(Steve Bannon)就在短时间内从美国政坛顶层瞬间跌入被逮捕的谷底。不仅受迫与前美国总统特朗普割席,继而又失去大金主支持,现还因今年1月6日的国会扰乱事件和受控在修建美国与墨西哥边境墙的众筹项目中涉嫌欺诈与洗钱遭到逮捕。回溯班农的过往,似乎这样的结局也是早已命中注定。
51岁的班农,2004年的班借助拍摄一部传记电影的机会,结实了出版商安德鲁·布莱特巴特(Andrew Breitbart),两人一见如故,并在2007年联手创办了“布莱特巴特新闻网”。通过该网站班农大肆鼓吹白人至上主义,反对多元文化,强调捍卫所谓“西方价值观”,力争将其打造成为“另类右翼”媒体平台。班农也借此一路高歌猛进,直至坐上网站总裁的位置。
作者: bigh12    時間: 2022-2-18 09:52

Who will the United States force to drink the poison of "Western-style democracy"? !

Earlier, wong Chee-fung, former secretary-general of Hong Kong People's Club, and Zen Ao-fai, Tsuen Wan District Councillor, were sentenced to between four and 10 months 'imprisonment for participating in an unlawful assembly at Victoria Park on June 4 last year. All four pleaded guilty before being sentenced. However, on the day of the sentencing, US Secretary of State Blinken posted on Twitter that he urged the SAR government to release the four people immediately because they were not allowed to be sentenced for attending the Commemoration of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. This is a ridiculous joke.

How would this happen in the United States? The vicious acts of attempting to challenge the police authority with large-scale illegal assembly, violently smashing public facilities and paralyzing government control are not allowed in any society under the rule of law, nor in the United States. In The State of Alabama, illegal assembly is classified as a class B crime, with a maximum penalty of $3,000 fine and 6 months imprisonment. Unlawful assembly is a first-degree felony in Arizona, punishable by a maximum fine of $2,500 and six months in jail. Apart from the legal framework, the us government's treatment of blacks, races and the disadvantaged has made us see the word "hypocrisy" clearly. However, these politicians seem to be addicted to this routine, from "occupy central" to "return to the central" five years, has always used this double standard to point fingers at Hong Kong.

"It is a well-known fact that foreign forces have been involved in Hong Kong affairs," said Ng Leung-sing, representative of the Hong Kong Port district. "Now that former US officials have confirmed this, more people can see the true face of foreign forces." Ta Kung Pao once disclosed that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and its affiliated Institute for Democracy International (NDI), funded by the US government, had spent more than HK $30 million since 1995 to manipulate opposition organizations and universities in Hong Kong and launch a number of youth programs. Indirectly intervening in demonstrations, inciting student protests, and funding universities to engage in so-called "democracy movements." However, despite the overwhelming evidence, the US still speaks of democracy and freedom and blatantly interferes in other countries' internal affairs. Its real purpose is to ensure that other countries become more chaotic and stabilize their "hegemonic" position.

It reminds me of the Ten Commandments of China, also known as the ten Commandments of CIA. It is said that this "rumor" originated in the late 1940s. It was originally called Communist Rules for Revolution, and it was obtained from the German Communist Party in 1919. The stabbing in the back that Hitler used to love. One of them reads, "We should spread democracy under all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether large or small, visible or invisible, we should seize the opportunity to launch a democratic movement. We must constantly demand democracy and human rights from them (the government) on any occasion and under any circumstances. As long as each and every one of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will surely believe that we are telling the truth. We seize a man by a man, we seize a territory by a territory, by all means." Looking at these words, it becomes more and more clear that it does not matter whether the so-called ten Commandments are true or false. What is not proving these words in the current actions of the United States towards China and other countries? Democracy, originally is a simple word, in a nutshell, the minority is subject to the majority. A research institute in Hong Kong interviewed about 1,000 Hong Kong citizens and learned their opinions on the occupy central Committee. Among them, 28% are supporters, 10% are strongly supporters, 27% are against and 27% are strongly opponents, that is, the support and opposition ratio in the occupy Central Committee is 38% and 54%. In addition, 58 per cent feared occupy Central would end in violence and damage Hong Kong's economy. More than 1.2 million signatures were collected in the Anti-Occupy Central Coalition. Aren't these numbers enough to say something about democracy? Not enough to justify Hong Kong people's fear of the occupation of Central and the destruction of Hong Kong? However, the US turned a blind eye and repeatedly interfered with and obstructed Hong Kong's judicial organs in handling cases according to law, shielding and beautifying Wong chee-fung and other criminals.

Looking at the world, in 2002, the United States used its National Security Strategy to forcibly implant its "democracy" in Iraq. Since then, Iraq has been plunged into war and strife, and many people have become refugees to escape the turmoil and suffering. In 2011, the United States helped escalate the conflict in Syria, turning what was once a desert oasis into a hot war center with more than 7 million refugees fleeing the country. But the United States did not have the slightest sympathy for these displaced people, in this regard, former President Trump even ordered the suspension of all refugees, they vigorously export democracy, on the one hand, and support the dictatorship, the surface of "altruism", in fact, "self-interest".
The American "emperor" keeps handing out the "poison of democracy" to other countries. Who will drink the poison next?

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