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標題: [原創] PNC幣在特殊時期對經濟發展的貢獻 [打印本頁]

作者: PNC68    時間: 2020-3-26 17:25     標題: PNC幣在特殊時期對經濟發展的貢獻

一. PNC幣避免大幅度貶值
關于冠狀病毒肆虐全球時最令人好奇的事之一可能是,似乎沒有人問這些補貼的資金是從哪裡來的。英國《金融時報》週三報導,英格蘭銀行新任行長安德魯·貝利(Andrew Bailey)週三表示,英國中央銀行願意通過其新的商業票據設施向經濟中註入無限量的資金,以幫助對抗冠狀病毒的影響,如果需要,它將走得更遠。當中央銀行爭先恐後地解決問題時,還會剩下什麼?全球貨幣大規模貶值,隨後通貨膨脹和購買力下降。相對的PNC幣有固定的供應量,它永遠不會失去價值,只會隨著時間的推移而升值。
二. PNC幣發行量在逐年減少。
經濟下行,疫情對經濟的衝擊可能不是一時半會兒的,今年一些白領階層可能會意識到,最重要的事情不是眼前的工作,而是穩定的現金流和稅後收入。 PNC幣最大的意義就是創造了一種新的價值定義方式,與國家信用相比,它是去中心化的,沒有中央意志可以代表PNC幣進行價值博弈,取而代之的是群體意識。採礦權也不再集中在少數大企業手中,雖然PNC幣的開采依然是權貴佔有絕對優勢,但它削除了政治的影響,每個人都可以追求這種權利。
除了經濟學上的對比分析,從社會學的角度看待,PNC幣也有很強的生存理由。首先從美元霸權角度看PNC幣,美元雖然承擔了部分的“世界貨幣”的職能,但是其增發權一直控制在美聯儲(美國政府)手上。 PNC幣是一次去中心化的形式去對抗權威體制,因此,PNC幣的基礎共識來自全世界具有同樣的價值觀—削弱或阻止政府在貨幣政策上面的裁判員+運動員的雙重角色。不僅如此,PNC幣作為價值尺度和財富儲藏手段,符合人類普遍的價值追求:公平、自由掌控、抵抗審查和監控,且具有開源代碼級的信任基礎——這一點是任何一個法幣都無法提供的。

In these uncertain times, there seems to be nothing to be pleased with, but due to global chaos and social alienation have become everyday. Now, more than ever, you should be fortunate that you are using PNC coins, which are 3 reasons to support this statement.
One. Avoid significant depreciation of PNC coins
Probably one of the most curious things about the coronavirus's worldwide scourge is that nobody seems to ask where the funding for these subsidies came from. The Financial Times reported on Wednesday that the Bank of England's new governor Andrew Bailey said on Wednesday that the Bank of England is willing to inject unlimited funds into the economy through its new commercial paper facility to help fight the virus Impact, if needed, it will go further. When the central bank scrambles to solve the problem, what else is left? The global currency depreciated on a large scale, followed by inflation and purchasing power. The relative PNC coin has a fixed supply and it will never lose value and will only appreciate in value over time.
two. The circulation of PNC coins is decreasing year by year.
The first year (i.e., 2019) of PNC Coins is 100,000, and it will be reduced year by year. Remember, PNC Coin is a long game. As fiat money is on the verge of collapse, more and more people have a deeper understanding of the situation that emerged after this crisis, and PNC Coin will prove its value as the ultimate stable currency of our new era. Globally accessible, unauthorized and scarce.
three. No one can take your PNC coins.
As banking institutions froze accounts or closed down, many people have encountered difficult methods and storing PNC coins has become a boom. No central bank will suddenly decide to erode your value by randomly generating excess PNC coins, and no central agency can control your PNC coins.
The economic downturn, the epidemic may not have a short-term impact on the economy. This year, some white-collar workers may realize that the most important thing is not the immediate work, but the stable cash flow and after-tax income. The biggest significance of PNC coin is to create a new way of value definition. Compared with national credit, it is decentralized. There is no central will to play a value game on behalf of PNC coin. Instead, it is group consciousness. The mining right is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few large enterprises. Although the mining of PNC coins is still an absolute advantage for the powerful, it removes the political influence and everyone can pursue this right.
As "digital gold", most people use PNC currency as an asset reserve, on the one hand, to prevent the depreciation of fiat currency assets due to inflation, and on the other hand, to profit from investment and wealth management in the future. Of course, PNC coin has the following typical distributed characteristics compared to gold:
1. Transparent, auditable, and non-authoritative supply plan
2. Anti-censorship, no third party can infringe the property
3. No permission required, free entry and exit
4. Autonomy, unmonitored, take assets everywhere at any time
5. Dividable and convenient transactions, the finest granularity is one hundred millionth
In the above five aspects, Bitcoin's advantages far exceed gold.
In addition to a comparative analysis in economics, from a sociological perspective, PNC coins also have strong reasons for survival. First of all, from the perspective of the hegemony of the US dollar, the PNC currency. Although the US dollar has assumed part of the "world currency" function, its right to issue additional funds has been controlled by the US Federal Reserve (US government). PNC Coin is a decentralized form to fight against the authoritative system. Therefore, the basic consensus of PNC Coin comes from the world with the same values-weakening or preventing the government's dual role of referee + athlete in monetary policy. Not only that, PNC coins, as a value scale and a means of wealth storage, are in line with the universal value pursuit of human beings: fairness, free control, resistance to censorship and monitoring, and an open source code-level trust foundation-this cannot be provided by any legal currency .

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