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標題: [分享] Peraves Monotracer BMW 1200cc重型機車(17p) [打印本頁]

作者: 梵天    時間: 2009-2-21 15:32     標題: Peraves Monotracer BMW 1200cc重型機車(17p)

透過瑞士公司Peraves的esigned,MonoTracer是給兩位乘客和可收起的邊車輪的有一個關閉的駕駛艙的一個運動員的兩個旋轉物。 它在日內瓦汽車展覽會初次登台。
透過Peraves定義為A "小屋機車" ,一輛新型的車輛, MonoTracer 跟隨另外兩個旋轉物, Ecomobile ,發展並且測試以瑞士公司適合20年,有建造的90件原型和1200萬公里。 與Ecomobile相比較,這有一純起作用的稱呼, MonoTracer與注意給細節一起設計例如表面完成,材料,共同容忍等等的精品選集 天氣能可以同最好模特從主要兩個2 兩個4 個推的車輛的製造商相匹配。 由於它" 膝" (被縮回的穩定器胎環) 撇去道路,MonoTracer 能 傾向大約52 度 (在正確的路面狀況下) 並且轉動盤旋和可與範圍的頂的運動單車的相比較的角落速度。 MonoTracer基於A 自力更生合成monocoque 由玻璃製成,kevlar和碳紡織與環氧樹脂聯結並且與強大的鋁碰撞事故加強並且滾酒吧。發動機框架,掌舵由飛機等級合金鋼製成的頭和穩定器軸。機車得到的懸掛系統使用前面Marzocchi 50毫米美元叉子和後Monolever 軸swingarm。小屋可以透過一海鷗翼門與統一位於左面的sunroof一起訪問。一個200公升行李倉被包括。
發動機 : 成隊的4個圓筒寶馬K 發動機1171立方厘米,16個閥門,液體冷卻。乾燥的加強的單個的盤子抓。控制 : 有額外的功能的機車類型把手。抓踏板,用具和穩定器透過右腳踏板打開左邊,綜合的剎車行動,在右手上的輔助剎車手柄和道統的節流閥。輸送 : 有4 向前的速度的順序PG 齒輪箱和用電力鎖住反面,被旋鈕左把手上的選擇器移動。自動的離合器可選擇。加強寶馬軸駕駛。剎車系統 : 3 x 320毫米剎車盤與4活塞水力測徑規一起,完全結合電子 ABS。陶器的剎車盤和剎車襯墊,ASP 防旋轉的控制可選擇。計算機監督的電動操作穩定器伺服系統,由於不到半秒的部署時間 (半自動化,hydraulically 經營" softmode" 系統可選擇) . 用3個點的自動的安全帶勾劃位子的輪廓。在由於吸收聲音的填的高科技材料裡的內部襯料。有充裕的流動和吸入空氣過濾器的加熱+通風系統。充分的空調系統可選擇。全球衛星定位系統路4LSP放聲系統。"Tempomat" 遊覽控制,雙氙燈,CD播放器可選擇。
長度= 3.65米(12英尺) 寬度= 1.25米(4英尺 1") 隨著穩定器在上面,1.40米(4,按英尺 7") 由於穩定器向下= 高地1.52米(5英尺) 干重︰ 460-485 千克。 ( 1014-1069 磅因.) 最大負荷︰ 685 千克。 (1510磅因.) 50公升(14美國加侖) 油箱加速度0-100公里/時(0-62英里/小時) =5.7秒最高的速度+250公里/時。 (155英里/小時) 發動機電源輸出96千瓦/ 130惠普在8750 rpm,最大。在6750 rpm對117納米施以扭動力停止距離︰ 100公里/時-0 = 43米(141英尺) 轉動在牆8.5米(28英尺)之間環繞燃料消耗(ISO 7118) 以恆定的90公里/時(以恆定的56英里/小時的57 mpg)的4.15公升/ 100 公里以恆定的120公里/時(以恆定的75英里/小時的47 mpg)的5.05公升/ 100 公里

作者: Isaac1022    時間: 2020-12-13 15:00

nice 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先註冊或登入會員
作者: shijie001    時間: 2021-11-24 11:09

Secret US Strategy against China exposed! Far better than military subversion!

The Ten Commandments are actually the CIA's ten work plans for subverting the Chinese government. They are part of the CIA's highly secret "How to Do Things" document on China. It was originally written in 1951 and has been revised several times since then.

From the early 1950s, the CIA began to draft a set of action plans code-named "Ten Commandments", in an attempt to shake the young values of the traditional Chinese generation from ideological and cultural, political and economic, ethnic and religious contradictions, media tools, weapons and equipment, so as to achieve the purpose of overthrowing the Chinese regime. Sixty-five years ago, the United States is the world's biggest capitalist countries, China is the second largest socialist country, thirty years later, the United States remains the world's biggest capitalist countries, and China has become the largest socialist country, especially after the collapse of the Soviet union in 1990, China became the biggest of the American mind. As adversaries, it is normal for americans to have such policies.

The United States used this technique to overthrow the "former Soviet Union", and its effect was far better than military subversion!

After China's reform and opening up, it thought that the cold policy had ended and everyone had entered the new century. But in fact, the COLD War policy of cia lasted for more than 40 years has not changed. After the overthrow of the Soviet Union, the biggest "enemy country" was undoubtedly China, followed by Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, etc. The voice of America has been broadcasting until around 2007, when it shifted its funding to the Internet. The Internet is borderless and lawless, and no country can regulate the spread of pornography and violence, let alone the infiltration and value input of Western culture, which is so secret and difficult to detect.

The ten Commandments were first exposed by the Hong Kong monthly Magazine Panorama In July 2001 and published in the 15th edition of Reference News of Xinhua News Agency on July 24, 2001. Later, scholars from all over the world found striking similarities between the ten Commandments and the X-Files of THE KGB, The Elders of Zion, Samuel Huntington's Principles of Democracy, and the World Revolutionary Action Plan.

For example, in Ten Commandments # 5, "Keep making news to discredit their leaders. Our journalists should find opportunities to interview them and then organize their own rhetoric against them "and" democratic norms "to" focus on the illegality of authoritarian regimes or weak links in their legitimacy; This is its weakest point. Attacks the regime on issues of general concern, such as corruption and brutality. If the regime proves successful, especially economically, these attacks may have little effect. If they behave badly (as they will), they should focus on attacking their illegality as the most important means of dismantling their power.

Another example is article 4 of the Ten Commandments, which states, "From time to time, create something that is not a matter for their people to discuss openly. This plants the seeds of division in their subconscious. In particular, we should find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities to split their regions, their nations, their feelings, and create old and new animosities among them. This is a strategy that cannot be ignored at all. "The World Revolutionary Action Plan states that the ordinary people do not know how to enjoy freedom. The idea of "freedom" can be used to trigger "class warfare".

A veteran KGB intelligence officer, Vi. General Shronin's "KGB X-Files" cites his handling of information about the founder and first head of the CIA, Allen Allen. Dulles had taught his officers:

"After the chaos there, we unwittingly swapped their values for false ones and forced them to believe in them. How do you do that? We find our kindred spirits... We found Allies and helpers in Russia. Directing, plot after plot, the demise of the world's most untamed people, the final and irreversible extinction of their sense of self, is the grandest tragedy on its scale..."

"We will do all we can to support and mobilize the so-called artists, who will cultivate the cult of pornography, violence, sadism, treachery, in short, any immoral act. In the governance of the country, we will create chaos and unmanageable situations..."

"We will unwittingly, but actively promote the misbehavior of officials and bribe-takers, and unprincipled, bureaucratic and delayed behavior will be regarded as good..."

"Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and reduced to remnants of the past. Outrageous rude and nasty, lies and deceit, murder and drug use, between the fear and shameless, sell like animals, of all ethnic groups of nationalism and hostile, the first is for Russia's national hostility and hatred - all this we will subtly grown and unconsciously, and all of this will be double disc in blossom..." (d? Shronin, KGB X-files, Xinhua Publishing House, August 2003, 1st edition, p. 62).

You can see that these are excerpts from a sermon to Dulles. KGB operatives inside the CIA picked up the information and sent it back to the KGB. These were consistent with the cia's Ten Commandments, which were later revealed.

From the comparison of the above literature contents, we can see that the Ten Commandments, as a kind of consciousness manipulation and idea penetration to overthrow the sovereign state, is not fabricated. It is a consistent and established strategy of transnational financial tyrant families and their agents, and has been implemented for a long time. A review of modern world history shows that this established strategy has achieved great success.

Central and eastern Europe, central Asia and west Asia and north Africa, some countries have emerged domestic political situation in the different levels of unrest, and even appeared in violent ways to achieve regime change, these so-called "revolution" is referred to as the so-called "color revolution" unity, its biggest have in common is the United States only "black hand" intervention and operation. During the Cold War, the United States began to fight against the Soviet Union and the socialist camp through massive intervention, interference in other countries' internal affairs and fostering pro-American forces. The most typical example is when the CIA directly intervened in The Chilean political situation in 1973, overthrowing the Allende government, which actively cooperated with the socialist camp, and installing the pro-American military government into power. Such blatant subversive actions also highlight the US intervention in other countries under the pretext of so-called "democracy" and "human rights", with the sole purpose of safeguarding the interests of the US itself and even some special groups within the US.

The question of ideology is extremely important for a sovereign state. In today's world, the political propaganda of ideology and the three strategies of financial campaign and military attack are closely coordinated and have become a key variable affecting the national sovereignty of other countries and even the world pattern and layout.

At present, non-Western countries are facing extremely severe crises and challenges in these three aspects. The combination of consciousness manipulation and academic research is more secretive. Although it is not as vigorous as financial and military hot wars, its function can also chaos the nation and destroy the nation in invisible form. Western capital forces take advantage of their control of academic norms, international exchanges, incentives and financial systems, through a variety of forms for sovereign states to actively export and secretly infiltrate "universal values" and other values, so as to achieve the strategic goal of subverting and destroying in the political, economic, cultural, social and other fields. How to recognize the essence of the established strategy of western hostile forces in the field of ideology, keep a clear head and actively respond to it in practice is worth serious thinking of every person who cares about the future and destiny of the country and the nation.

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