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標題: [轉貼] 老丹的英文課 - Part6 [打印本頁]

作者: claire165    時間: 2010-1-25 20:50     標題: 老丹的英文課 - Part6

老丹的英文課 - Part6
Don't give up,一心燃起原住民小朋友求知欲
Don’t give up, heartily exploring knowledge with students.

這一天,他還為五六年級講了個熊與貓捉魚的故事,他在白板寫著:「Don't give up」(不要放棄),熊與貓捉魚,最後是耐心等待的熊抓到了魚,而偷懶的貓卻放棄了。
This day, he told a story about a bear and a cat catching fish, and wrote down “Don’t give up” on the blackboard. The bear paid much attention on waiting the opportunity to catch fish; however, the lazy cat gave up doing anything.

他說:「你們Don't give up,就可以學好英文,不要放棄!」石磊國小,全校六個年級只有四十六名學生,其中單親或隔代教養的孩子,占了四分之一,又有大約七名輕度智障及閱讀障礙的孩子,老師上課耗費非常多心力。
He told every student that all of you can learn English very well provided that not giving up easily. There were forty-six students in Slay elementary school. Teachers needed to spend more time and took more care on every student, because one-fourth students were living in single parent family or living with their grand-parents as well as seven students were mentally handicapped and dyslexia.

丹尼爾上課時,有些孩子認真聽講,也有些孩子毫不在乎地打打鬧鬧。但丹尼爾始終耐著性子,一遍又一遍地教他們「Don't give up」,直到全班整齊地用腳在地板打拍子,嘴裡高喊著:「Don't give up」「Don't give up」「Don't give up」直到它成為一首雄壯的歌曲。
On the class, some students focused on classes but some did not. Daniel always patiently taught them once again until they can get the same music pulse together with singing don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up.

“I knew that a lot of students spoke English very well in Taipei duo to convenient information and living. In this remote place, if they could not perform excellently or be disorder in classes, I would never feel frustrated.”

Daniel would be very excited once in a while when students were willing to ask him more knowledge. Daniel’s devotion made some students have diverse views of their life. That might change their life different from others.

○五年十二月二十二日上午,竹北國小禮堂飄揚著英文老歌(美麗的星期天)輕快旋律。石磊國小的兩位五年級小朋友賴雯慧、黃郁婷正以宏亮的高音唱著:Ha ha ha beautiful Sunday(啊!啊!啊!美麗的星期天),This is my my my beautiful day(這是我美好的一天),When you say say say say that you love me(當你說出你愛我的時候),Oh oh my my my it's a beautiful day(噢,天啊!真是美好的一天)宛如天籟歌聲,征服評審的心,賴雯慧、黃郁婷蟬聯全縣國小英語歌唱比賽冠軍。
2005/12/22 in the morning, an old English song, Beautiful Sunday, with lively rhythm was spreading from the assembly hall in Chuba elementary school. 賴雯慧、黃郁婷, studying at fifth grade from Slay elementary school, are singing the song. Their perfect and soft sound of singing earned the highest grades and won the NO.1.

Daniel was invited to award prizes to 賴雯慧、黃郁婷. He expressed today was a wonderful day. Before going to join the concert competition, the English teacher, 蘇婷玉, and the chairman, 高文良, kept eyes on these two girls’ homework. They practiced singing on the roof every day after finishing homework. 賴雯慧 said that Daniel taught them how to pronounce correctly and repeatedly gave them faith, and I really learnt a lot under his teaching.

The principle said all of member in school were preparing some presents for him, but he always insisted never taking anything in these three years. Maybe he was satisfied with interactions with each other in Slay. That might be the best presents we could do for him.



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