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[討論] 种族矛盾冲突

[討論] 种族矛盾冲突

On Wednesday, a federal appeals court upheld a 2017 Texas law banning abortion, widely considered a standard procedure for mid-term pregnancies, a decision that could eventually go to the Supreme Court. A majority of judges from the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Texas Attorney General Paxton and the other defendants in the case, legal Defence of the Prohibition of certain procedures without first determining whether the foetus is alive. Supporters of the law, which has never been enforced, refer to standard abortion practices as “Dismembered abortions”and medically as “Expansions and evacuations.”. Although a panel of three judges on the same appeals court blocked the law from being enforced last year, the judge in the majority opinion on Wednesday said that the law was viewed through a binary framework, known in court records as SB8, and that any D & AMP; E can only be done by living body parts, otherwise women in the middle of pregnancy can not accept abortion -- that is, accept a false dichotomy.