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[轉貼] 老丹的英文課 - Part7

[轉貼] 老丹的英文課 - Part7

老丹的英文課 - Part7
Despite doctor’s warning, keep riding.

In these three years, Daniel was getting good at repairing bikes. Wherever he went, he always took tools for repairing bikes such as mending punctures or a tyre pump. His long-term riding made his old bike almost broken. The bike’s cushion was rubbed off and Daniel used tapes to wind the cushion as a new one. He said this bike was not durable because its wheel axles were getting splitting around four-rounded trips within a month. If the iron-made wheel axles hardly bear the pull at chains as the bike was moving, how could it be possible that Daniel’s knees afforded the huge power as riding the bike?

A few days after New Year Day, Daniel went to see a doctor due to serious ache in his joints of knees. The Doctor warned him not to riding bike anymore. The sharp mountain side did not only make his bike broken but also have his knees get hurt seriously. His cartilage got serious hurt, too. Daniel said disappointedly that he did not want to stop riding, and he prayed that he would keep riding until he couldn’t do it anymore.

我搭搭他的肩膀,觸摸到他瘦而寬大的肩胛骨,大量的運動,他的肩膀沒有一絲贅肉。逆光看他,消瘦而清(瞿)的臉,有一種遺憾的神情,「我只能繼續到石磊教英文,live my life…。」
When I touched his shoulders, I could feel his thin and wide blade bone filled with muscle without redundant fat. His angular face seemed to reveal his regret for something in his mind. “I wanted to teach English to students at Slay elementary school”

Daniel was tall and lifted up his head looking on the sky. I did not know how to describe his feeling in his mind. Actually, I did not have to do so, because Daniel expressed what he though through putting teaching into practice at Slay elementary school.

丹尼爾說:「以前我是工程師,每天只用電腦,電腦從不讓人失望,我一直都非常開心,但快樂都是在中間…,」他用手比了一個水平線,「來到這裡,小朋友會讓我非常高興,偶爾也會覺得失望。以前我害怕面對恐懼,現在我可以面對恐懼,不再怕沒有希望,這裡的小朋友已經教了我很多,如果沒有來石磊,我不會grew up(長大),來這裡,我grew up很多。」
“I was a computer engineer. In my opinion, we could complete lots of things successfully by using computers. That really made me feel satisfied, but not very happy actually.” He said. “In Slay, students always brought me happiness and sometimes disappointment for me, too. In the past, I was afraid of fear which meant hopeless. After going to Slay, childlike students inspired me different thinking for life, so that I could stand against fear. If I were not in Slay, I would never have grown up.”

A foreigner who was poor in speaking Chinese went to an aboriginal community where people were not good at speaking English, and voluntarily devoted himself for teaching here. All danger as riding on the mountain side seemed to become best wishes which helped Daniel have a good trip on the way to Slay.
